M&A Advisory
Advisor on the sale of a Medicare supplement insurance company

Advised NGL on its acquisition of Everplans, laying a foundation for NGL to expand to become a digital leader in the insurance and employee benefit landscape (https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210125005221/en/NGL-Acquires-Everplans-Laying-a-Foundation-for-Expansion-to-Become-a-Digital-Leader-in-the-Insurance-and-Employee-Benefit-Landscape)
Advised NGL on the sale of certain closed-block businesses to Prosperity Life Assurance Limited (https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200610005793/en/National-Guardian-Life-Insurance-Company-Announces-Agreement)
Advised NGL on the sale of the student health insurance business to Wellfeet, a Berkshire Hathaway company (https://1337a4d1-c178-4370-bc31-3e61b670f545.filesusr.com/ugd/f6dff3_6da5d20876c34154b351890b65bfb2ac.pdf)
Advised NGL on the strategic partnership with Insurance Capital Group (https://www.nglic.com/ArticleDetails/ArtMID/2221/ArticleID/221/National-Guardian-Life-Insurance-Company-and-Insurance-Capital-Group-launch-strategic-partnership)

Attorney General in the State of Delaware
Advised on the Highmark affiliation with Blue Cross Shield of Delaware
Advised on the sponsored conversion of CareFirst by Wellpoint Transaction Value: $1.3 billion

Attorney General of the State of North Carolina
Advised on the proposed conversion and IPO of Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina IPO Amount: $500 million

Insurance Commissioner in the State of Indiana
Advised on the demutualization and IPO of Anthem IPO Amount: $2.0 billion
Advised on the merger of State Auto Mutual with Meridian Mutual Transaction Value: $102 million

Insurance Commissioner in the State of New Jersey
Advised on the demutualization and IPO of Prudential Insurance Company of America IPO Amount: $3.5 billion
Strategic Advisory &/Or Expert Testimony

Testified in Bankruptcy Court as to the valuation of Conseco's insurance subsidiaries and advised the Special Committee of Trust Originated Preferred Debt Holders of Conseco Transaction Value: $5.2 billion
Mutual Service Life
Advised on the sponsored demutualization by Country Life Insurance Company
Security Mutual Service Life
Advised Security Mutual Life Insurance on the proposed sponsored demutualization by Ohio National Life Insurance Company
Advised on the disposal of its Spanish life insurance operations to Liberty Mutual
BrickStreet Insurance Company
Advised on the insurance investment portfolio and made strategic recommendations to the Board
Other Strategic Advisory
Sale of Integon Insurance Company to GMAC Financial (USA)
Sale of Kiln Capital (UK)

Allianz Eurasia
Advised on expansion strategy of medical clinics in Russia:
Prepared the financial models and sensitivity scenarios for the project
Reviewed and made recommendations for the private equity placement memorandum
Provided guidance in the due diligence process with a number of potential investors including the IFC

Other Recapitalizations
IPO of ESG Re Limited (Germany)
Rights Offerings of PartnerRe (Bermuda)
Capitalization of two new companies:
CarLand (UK)
Nordic Direct (Norway)
Marketing and placement of a $300 million private equity fund (USA)